High-strength polyester geotextiles & geogrids ranging in strength from 40 kN/m to 1600 kN/m are suitable for solving complex engineering problems. They are used to reinforce soils where extremely high tensile strength with low elongation is required. TerraStop® and TerraGrid PET High Strength Woven geotextiles & geogrids are manufactured from high tenacity polyester (PET) yarns, woven to form a structured geotextile or geogrid. Manufactured under ISO 9001 QA conditions.
The design factors stated are based on manufacturer’s independent research and testing, plus industry standards. Long term product strength and stiffness are affected both by temperature and by duration of loading. Quality control (QC) tensile testing is carried out using the method given in the International Standard EN ISO10319:1996.
Key Learnings
- Understand the concepts of rolled soil reinforcement products. How do they work?!
- Design Standards discussed: BS8006, AS4678, BRE470;
- The difference between long term sustained and dynamic design loads and how they affect products used;
- Common Applications: Basal reinforcement over soft soils for embankments; working platforms for plant and vehicular traffic;
- Comparison with subbase reinforcement for flexible pavements using geogrids
Hosted By:

Raymond Chow
Technical Sales Engineer, B.E (HONS)
Raymond Chow has been involved with the geosynthetics industry for over 15 years. Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Raymond specialises in retaining wall designs, soft ground improvement, channel and slope protection, and on-site storm water management. Raymond has been on various technical committees addressing geosynthetics, including testing, specification and durability issues.