This webinar will focus on Geogrids and Geogrid composites for the application for working platforms and permanent flexible pavements. It will also focus on correct selection of correct geogrid/polymer type and identifying when soft soil ground conditions can be solved with geogrids.
- 37:15 minutes
Key Learnings
- Types & features of Geogrids
- Applications & benefits of Geogrids & Composites
- Principles of subgrade stabilisation & reinforcement
- Flexible pavement design (CBR% / Austroads)
- Working platforms (BRE470, UK)
- Future design research collaboration (SPARC)
- Design tools – a practical approach
Hosted By:

Raymond Chow
Technical Sales Engineer, B.E (HONS)
Raymond Chow has been involved with the geosynthetics industry for over 15 years. Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Raymond specialises in retaining wall designs, soft ground improvement, channel and slope protection, and on-site storm water management. Raymond has been on various technical committees addressing geosynthetics, including testing, specification and durability issues.