march 2025 webinar

Ultra High Strength Soil Reinforcement for Ground Improvement – Soft Soils Engineering

march 2025 webinar
Wednesday 26 March, 2025
1:00 pm Sydney Time
30 minutes

TerraStop® PET High Strength Woven Geotextiles, made from high tenacity polyester yarns, offer tensile strengths from 100-2000kN/m. These fabrics are ideal for reinforcing soils where high strength and low elongation are essential. Manufactured under ISO 9001, they comply with Qld TMR MRTS 100 & TfNSW R67 QA Specifications.

Key Learnings

  • Understand the concepts of rolled soil reinforcement products. How do they work?
  • Design Standards discussed: BS8006, AS4678, BRE470
  • The difference between long term sustained and dynamic design loads and how they affect products used
  • Common Applications: Basal reinforcement over soft soils for embankments; working platforms for plant and vehicular traffic
  • Comparison with subbase reinforcement for flexible pavements using geogrids

Hosted By:

raymond chow profile picture

Raymond Chow

Technical Sales Engineer, B.E (HONS)

Raymond Chow has been involved with the geosynthetics industry for over 15 years. Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Raymond specialises in retaining wall designs, soft ground improvement, channel and slope protection, and on-site storm water management. Raymond has been on various technical committees addressing geosynthetics, including testing, specification and durability issues.

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