Bentoliner GCL is a reinforced Geosynthetic Clay Liner composite, consisting of a layer of sodium bentonite granules encapsulated by layers of durable geotextiles and shear reinforced by needle punching together all components.
The material is typically anchored in a trench around the perimeter of a containment basin to provide the required pullout resistance. Bentoliner GCL should be placed in the trench extending down the inside wall face and along the entire trench floor, secured by the controlled placement and compaction of backfill into the trench prior to placing cover soil on the slopes.
Bentoliner GCL is ideal for containment applications and provides a cost-effective engineered solution for clients and consultants.
Granular Bentonite is available is 25kg bags for edge treatment.
Minimum 300mm soil cover required over the GCL.
- Subsoil drainage
- Gas venting
- Cable conduits
- Stormwater retention

Meet the Team
Raymond Chow has been involved with the geosynthetics industry for over 15 years. Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Raymond specialiSes in retaining wall designs, soft ground improvement, channel and slope protection, and on-site storm water management.
Raymond has been on various technical committees addressing geosynthetics, including testing, specification and durability issues.
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