EROWeb® Multi Head pin head attachments are used along with pins for installing EROweb and other erosion control fabrics. Designed to add additional support to three dimensional mats and geotextiles, the multi head is placed onto the retaining pin allowing the EROweb to slide into the clip. This helps hold the honeycomb structure of the EROweb in the correct position, supporting it during installation.
- One Multihead is required per EROWeb pin
- Made from durable plastic material
- Adds additional support to 3D and honeycomb structured geotextiles
- Use with EROWeb
- Connects Geocell webbing during installation
- Latest CatalogueDownload

Meet the Team
Raymond Chow has been involved with the geosynthetics industry for over 15 years. Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Raymond specialiSes in retaining wall designs, soft ground improvement, channel and slope protection, and on-site storm water management.
Raymond has been on various technical committees addressing geosynthetics, including testing, specification and durability issues.
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