Reinforced Erosion Control Mat
TerraMat® ReinforceX is a three dimensional anti-erosion mat consisting of entangled polypropylene mono-filament fibres that are heat bonded to provide a dimensionally stable matrix to control soil erosion.
The Terramat® range consists of:
Terramat® L
A lightweight, three dimensional erosion mat with a similar appearance to both sides, designed to provide permanent erosion control of soil and to reinforce the root system of grasses and vegetation for such areas as embankment slopes, river banks, channels, coastal and other erosion prone areas. Can be installed within the soil just below surface or can be placed at the surface and hydro-mulched to act as a protection layer.
Terramat® RL80 PET PVC
A lightweight, three dimensional erosion geocomposite mat with the added PET PVC coated grid, designed to provide increased slope friction between low friction angle surfaces such as membrane/soil, permanent erosion control and reinforcement. Suitable for reinforcing the root system of grasses and vegetation for such areas as steep embankment slopes, river banks, channels, coastal and other erosion prone areas.
Terramat® RF 80 & RF 80 PVC
A three dimensional erosion geocomposite mat with the added double twisted steel woven wire or PVC coated mesh, designed to provide increased slope friction between low friction angle surfaces, permanent erosion control and reinforcement. Suitable for rock control reinforcing the root system of grasses and vegetation for such areas as steep embankment slopes, river banks, channels, coastal and other erosion prone areas. Main advantages besides the previous listed edges and ends can be joined by lacing/hog ring to provide consistent strength in all direction required in steep slopes and high velocity streams.
- Erosion control
- Embankments
- Slopes
- River banks
- Coastal areas
- Channels

Meet the Team
Raymond Chow has been involved with the geosynthetics industry for over 15 years. Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Raymond specialiSes in retaining wall designs, soft ground improvement, channel and slope protection, and on-site storm water management.
Raymond has been on various technical committees addressing geosynthetics, including testing, specification and durability issues.
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