TEC Mat Jute is 100% organic and is the traditional erosion control blanket used to protect soils in areas exposed to wind or high rainfall. The TEC Mat® Jute Heavy also used as weed suppressants while the 280gsm product provides an ideal media for seed germination as it protects the soil from erosion while still allowing the seed to grow through the matting. The innate characteristic of “moulding” to the ground, allows TEC Mat Jute to reduce moisture loss from the soil that aids the growth of desired plants. It has a life expectancy varying from 6 to 24 months depending on grade and climatic conditions.
Jute Mesh is a biodegradable open weave erosion control mesh suitable for short term erosion protection to batters and open drains. Jute Mesh helps retain moisture and allows water and light infiltration to encourage vegetation growth.
Installation Guide
- TEC Mat Jute Light and Jute Mesh: Before placement, the area must be smooth, free of stones, lumps, or roots. Complete grass seeding if required.
- TEC Mat Jute Medium and Heavy Weight: Prepare area free of stones, lumps, or roots so that placement of mat will be in contact with the underlying soil.
- Place the product out in the direction of flow without stretching
- Overlap adjacent strips and adjoining ends by at least 100mm-150mm
- For all overlaps, place the upstream section on top
- Lay it evenly but loosely on the soil surface
- To keep the area smooth, minimal disturbance to any laid seedbed is desired
- Bury the up-channel end of each installation in a narrow 150mm deep trench
- Steel U Pins range from 2mm to 4mm in diameter, formed into a U shape and length 150mm to 300mm
- Hold matting strips firmly in place with one row of pins
- Pin along each edge, overlaps and each row along the middle
- Space pins no more than 1.0m apart in each row
- Space the pins in the middle row alternately with those at the edges
- At the ends of the covered area and at overlapping joints, space pins no more than 450mm apart
- Ensure that pins remain flush with the ground.
Consult Polyfabrics Australasia or a certified Engineer for site specific installation instructions. Polyfabrics Australasia reserves the right to change its product specification at any time. It is the responsibility of the specifier and purchaser to ensure that product specification used for design and procurement purposes are current and consistent with the products used in each instance.
- Slope protection
- Roadside shoulders
- Drainage areas
- Landscape projects

Meet the Team
Raymond Chow has been involved with the geosynthetics industry for over 15 years. Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Raymond specialiSes in retaining wall designs, soft ground improvement, channel and slope protection, and on-site storm water management.
Raymond has been on various technical committees addressing geosynthetics, including testing, specification and durability issues.
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